Monday, January 19, 2009

the Greatness

As i dip my toes in the Great Pacific I ask myself: isn't Man truly the Gretest of Apes.

"Why, Lo Hoang Lai?" you ask as you take of your shoes to, you as well, test the waters, "why is man so fantastic?"

Well, let me tell you! We have discovered the Internet! And now, and for ever if we get to keep our beautiful Planet, we can always stay educated.

1 comment:

  1. This is wise, Lo Hoang Loi!

    I am inspired by your words, poetic as the flower in the sunset breeze!!

    I will turn to you, my Good Old Friend on the Blog, for my guidance at times when my own, trusty, moral compass may fail! This has never happened so far, however.

    Anyway, if you would like a few words of advice, you can always head over to my "Weblog", where I am sure to have mentioned a thing or two that could surely improve your perspective even further.


    Your Good Old Friend,

    Horace Q. Horatius
